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On Urgency * nesting






On Urgency*nesting is an Artistic Research Project

by Marcozzi Contemporary Theater 

with the support of Theater Expedition Metropolis, Berlin.



Through an International Residency offered by Theater Expedition Metropolis, On urgency*Nesting will be one of the "Impulse Projects" performing in the HofFestSpiele, Community-Art Festival,

that will take place in June 2021, in Berlin.
On urgency*nesting is aimed at exploring the relation that people have with the environment.
What personal and communal processes do we establish with the environment?
How do we inhabit it and how does the environment host us?
With the term environment we mean all types of places, spaces, sites, spots, landscapes, imaginary and real, tangible and intangible.

The project consists of distributing surveys to people both locally and internationally, asking to describe their relation to a specific place and the urgency that they may feel in relation to that place.
Inspired by the answers, the company will develop different narratives and outcomes, such as: theatrical incursions in the street, improvisational scores, musical compositions and a final performance.



Concept and General Artistic Direction: Daniela Marcozzi

With: Jacob Boeno, Elisabetta Chapuis, Jesús Espuña, Alekos Grammaticos, Daniela Marcozzi,

Cecile Rossant, Marta Tirabassi.

Props and material: Cecile Rossant

Content manager and documentation of the project: Cecile Rossant, Marta Tirabassi,  Elisabetta Chapuis

PR and communication: Daniela Marcozzi and Jesús Espuña


A film-documentary of the project will be created by Alekos Grammaticos who has been collaborating with Marcozzi Contemporary Theater thanks to the Fellowship „Erasmus for Young Entrepreneur“.




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LET'S CONNECT: if you are interested in our work, don't hesitate to write us:



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On Urgency * nesting

is made possible within the framework of the
project "Dichte Entfernung – Vertrauen in Bewegung" (Dense Distance - Trust in Motion)

initiated by Expedition Metropolis e.V. and the Rosa-Parks-Grundschule and sponsored by Expedition Metropolis e.V., Rosa-Parks-Grundschule, NEUSTARTKULTUR, Fonds Soziokultur, Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien (BKM), Bezirksamt Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg, Bund Deutscher Amateurtheater.







Thanks to the Team of Sinapsyche for their assistance in defining and testing the questions of the survey






With the friendly support of TheaterHaus Berlin Mitte



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Header ph by Alekos Grammaticos

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