Diagonal Vertigo

Third Performance of the Trilogy of Power
A performance by Daniela Marcozzi
Text: Daniela Marcozzi and Luigi De Cicco
Music: Luis DeCicco
Microscope camera: Daniela Marcozzi and Luigi De Cicco
Microscope-video editor: Pierluigi Muscolino
Costume and assistant to the scenography: Susanne Kasper
Assistant of production: Silvia Prolunghi
Poster: Carlo Bortolini
Lights: Paolo Grazzi
A production by Marcozzi Contemporary Theater, in collaboration with Expedition Metropolis and Theaterhaus Berlin Mitte.
Special thanks to:
Jules Beekwilder and his team at the Plant Research International of Wageningen, The Netherlands, for allowing the realization of the microscope videos.
Antonio Villella and Christina Kyriazidi for external eye support.
June 2019: ExpeditionMetropolis Theatre, Performing Arts Festival Berlin
December 2019: Expedition Metropolis Theater
May 2020: Performing Arts Festival, Berlin

Ph: Pierluigi Muscolino
Diagonal vertigo is inspired by the tragic event that happened on August 14, 2018, in Genoa: 200 meters of the renown and majestic Morandi Bridge collapsed, killing 43 people. A true disaster. The Italian Government has accused ASPI, the Italian Highway operator, of poor maintenance and of pocketing profits instead of investing money in maintenance.
The ongoing criminal inquiry is against 74 people belonging to the Italian Highway operator, Spea Engineering and the Ministry of Infrastructure, who are accused of multiple homicides and road accidents, as well as transport safety violations.
The safety tests conducted on the Morandi bridge would have been falsified to make it seem that the viaduct was safe.
Weren't these people afraid of crossing the bridge themselves? Which paradigm of survival do they have?
Diagonal Vertigo explores the contradiction of our own sense of survival.
This story is seen from the perspective of apoptosis, a biological suicide that the cell - infected, mistaken or too old - activates in order to ensure the survival of the entire organism.
Header and background pictures by Pierluigi Muscolino